Mike Garcia


Mike Garcia was educated at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis and Georgetown University before serving for 20 years in the military. Following his honorable discharge, he worked as an executive with Raytheon for over a decade before beginning his career in politics.

Status and Position

Current US House of Representatives of California

Political Party and Jurisdiction

Republican, California


Election Jurisdiction

Started Campaign

Campaign Status

Poll Rankings (of the vote)

2020 House of Representatives Election CA-25 CA-25 Yes Dropped Out N/A

Campaign Financing

Top contributors include C&R Molding, Raytheon's Technologies, Northwest Excavating, Santa Clarita Studios, and Majority Cmte PAC. A lot of funds have come from large and small individual contributions, as well as PACs.

Voting Rights

Garcia has not made his stance on voting rights clear.

Opinions on Issues




Universal Healthcare Against Garcia is not in support of a universal healthcare system.
Garcia has shown his support for the repealing of the Affordable Care Act, and cutting areas of Medicare and Medicaid.
Socialized Healthcare Nuance Mike Garcia has advocated against the Affordable Care Act in the past. He has not specifically stated his stance upon socialized health.
Private Healthcare For Garcia has advocated against the Affordable Care Act and making cuts to Medicare and Medicaid.
LGBT Rights Unknown Garcia has not expressed a stance on LGBTQ rights. He does believe that businesses should be able to carry out their religious practices as their religious freedoms are protected by the Constitution.
Taxes Against Garcia supports a lower tax rate.
Garcia supports a lower tax rate to promote freedom and economic growth. He is in strong support of small government.
Flat Tax Rate Nuance Garcia supports a lower tax rate and believes some people are being penalized for their economic status.
Garcia supports a lower tax rate to promote freedom and economic growth. He is in strong support of small government.
Abortion Against Garcia does not support abortion.
Garcia believes in protecting live at all costs from the moment of conception. He has voted for bills to support the health of children who have undergone attempted abortion. He supports allowing abortions in certain circumstances such as the mother's life in danger.
Gun Control Against Garcia supports the Second Amendment.
The extent of Garcia's stance on gun control goes as far as his support for the Second Amendment.
Assisted Suicide For Garcia supports assisted only if the life of the person is going to die from an illness or condition.
The extent of Garcia's stance on gun control goes as far as his support for the Second Amendment.
Government Interference Against Garcia has shown support for smaller government especially in terms of taxes.
Planned Parenthood Against Garcia's main problem with Planned Parenthood is the performance of abortions. He would support the funding of Planned Parenthood so long as the funding did not go towards abortion.
Welfare Unknown Garcia has not made his stance on welfare clear.
Welfare Unknown Garcia does not have a stance on the issue of stem cell research.
Death Penalty For Garcia supports the death penalty.
It is difficult to find information on the matter due to particular reasons. However, sources indicate that he is in support of the death penalty.
Mandatory Prison Sentence Unknown Garcia has not made a clear statement about mandatory minimum sentencing.
Military Spending For Garcia has shown support for funding the Department of Defense. He served in the United States Navy and has spoken about his support for defense issues.
War on Terrorism For Garcia has shown support for funding the Department of Defense and fighting the War on Terrorism.
Foreign Policy International Interaction Unknown Garcia has not specifically spoken about foreign policy. He does favor an "American lives first" mentality to foreign affairs.
United Nations power Unknown Mike Garcia does not have a stance on the power of the United Nations.
Nationalism Unknown Garcia's stance on nationalism is unknown.
Free Markets For Garcia supports smaller government, lower taxes, and a free market system.
Garcia believes that a free market system can potentially help develop effective and affordable healthcare. He is against higher taxes and a large government.
Brexit Unknown Garcia does not have a stance on Brexit.
Affirmative Action Unknown Mike Garcia has not spoken about Affirmative Action.
Government Spending Against Garcia is for less taxing and spending of the government. He favors smaller government and a free market system.
Charter Schools For Garcia has expressed his support for charter schools mainly through Twitter. He toured many charter schools and responded by saying that he has always been a supporter of charter schools and what he saw only furthered that he believed they "blend the best of all forms of education."
Common Core Unknown Garcia has not spoken about or expressed support for or against Common Core.
Clean Energy Unknown Garcia has not expressed his official stance on clean energy.
Religious Freedom For Garcia stands for religious freedom.
Garcia has expressed his concern for religious liberties being at risk. He believes that religious freedoms of business owners should be protected as well as Christians spreading the gospel.
Separation of Church and State Nuance Garcia was asked about what his definition and take on separation of church and state was and he responded with, "means that the government should not and cannot dictate the guiding principles of a church. The government shall remain neutral towards religions."
Slavery Reparations Unknown Mike Garcia has not spoken about slavery reparations.
Border Control For Garcia is in support of stronger border control.
Garcia believes that a nation without borders is not a nation at all. He has a strong emphasis on the crime rate amongst those who have crossed the border illegally. He advocates for stronger protection of the United States borders.
Passenger Profiling Unknown Garcia has not expressed a stance on passenger profiling.
DACA Nuance Garcia has not specifically stated his advocacy against DACA, but has explained how he thinks there are more important issues that need to be tackled or focused upon first.
Sanctuary Cities Nuance Mike Garcia has expressed his advocacy against sanctuary for illegal immigrants.
Legalizing Marijuana Unknown Garcia has not expressed his views on the medical or recreational use of marijuana.

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