Brad Little


Little graduated from the University of Idaho who went on to work in the ranching industry.

Status and Position

Current Governor of Idaho

Political Party and Jurisdiction

Republican, Idaho


Election Jurisdiction

Started Campaign

Campaign Status

Poll Rankings (of the vote)

2022 Governor Election Idaho Idaho No N/A N/A

Campaign Financing

Little raised $3.26 million during his 2018 campaign for governor. Source:

Voting Rights

In 2021, Little signed legislation that would make it harder to get intiatives on ballots, in order to counteract the current process, which many claim favors urban voters. There has been a lawsuit filed against this. Source:

Opinions on Issues




Universal Healthcare Against Little is against universal healthcare.
He has criticized Obamacare and federal healthcare mandates. Source:
Socialized Healthcare Against Little is against socialized healthcare. He has criticized Obamacare and federal healthcare mandates. Source:
Private Healthcare For Little is against federal mandates on healthcare, and advocates for giving more control to individuals. Source: He has criticized Obamacare and federal healthcare mandates. Source:
LGBT Rights Nuance Little is against transgender rights. However, he has voted against bans on same-sex marriage.
Little has been most notably against transgender rights. He signed a bill into law that bans changes to the gender on birth certificates after the first year, and another bill that bans transgender girls from high school sports, unless the person is able to have a physician verify their sex. However, he has voted against bans on same-sex marriage. Source:
Taxes Against Little is against taxes.
Overall, Little has advocated for lowering taxes. He'd like to lower income taxes, abolish the grocery tax, and expand the personal property tax exemption. Source:
Flat Tax Rate Unknown Little's stance on flat tax rates is unknown.
Overall, Little has advocated for lowering taxes. He'd like to lower income taxes, abolish the grocery tax, and expand the personal property tax exemption. Source:
Abortion Against Little is against abortion.
Little is pro-life. In April 2021, he signed a bill into law that would ban abortions after a heartbeat is detectable. Source:
Gun Control Against Little is against gun control.
Little is a strong advocator in defense of the Second Amendment. He signed legislation to combat President Biden's gun control efforts, prohibiting the Idaho government from complying with federal gun control laws. Source:
Assisted Suicide Unknown Little's stance on assisted suicide is unknown.
Little is a strong advocator in defense of the Second Amendment. He signed legislation to combat President Biden's gun control efforts, prohibiting the Idaho government from complying with federal gun control laws. Source:
Government Interference Against Little supports "the lightest possible hand of government" in Americans' everyday lives. Source:
Planned Parenthood Against Little has signed legislation that would defund abortion providers such as Planned Parenthood.
Welfare Unknown Little's stance on welfare is unknown.
Welfare Unknown Little's stance on stem cell research in unknown.
Death Penalty Unknown Little's stance on the death penalty is unknown.
Mandatory Prison Sentence Nuance Little has stated that, for certain crimes that are not so severe, he is in favor of lightening mandatory prison sentences. Source:
Military Spending Unknown Little's stance on military spending is unknown.
War on Terrorism Unknown Little's stance on the war on terrorism is unknown.
Foreign Policy International Interaction Unknown Little's stance on international interaction is unknown.
United Nations power Unknown Little's stance on the United Nations is unknown.
Nationalism Unknown Little's stance on nationalism is unknown.
Free Markets Unknown Little's stance on free markets is unknown
Brexit Unknown Little's stance on Brexit is unknown.
Affirmative Action Against Little is against affirmative action. He signed a bill that would ban affirmative action in employment for public schools, as well as for state agencies and contractors. Source:
Government Spending Unknown Little's stance on government spending is unknown.
Charter Schools Unknown Little's stance on charter schools is unknown.
Common Core Against Little does not support federalizing education.
Although Little has not made any specific statements on the Common Core, he has stated his opposition to federalizing education. He believes decisions on education should be made at the local level. Source:
Clean Energy For Little is for clean energy.
Little is for clean energy. He believes in climate change, and is an advocate for alternative energy sources to help combat climate change. He also proclaimed September 21-25, 2020 to be Clean Energy Week in the state of Idaho. Source:
Religious Freedom Unknown Little's stance on religious freedom is unknown.
Separation of Church and State Unknown Little's stance on separation of church and state is unknown.
Slavery Reparations Unknown Little's stance on slavery reparations is unknown.
Border Control For Little is for border control.
Little was part of a group of governors who penned a letter to President Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris, pushing for "immediate action" to be take in efforts to close the border and prevent illegal immigration. Source:
Passenger Profiling Unknown Little's stance on passenger profiling is unknown.
DACA Unknown Little's stance on DACA is unknown.
Sanctuary Cities Unknown Little's stance on sanctuary cities is unknown.
Legalizing Marijuana Nuance Little has voiced his concern over legalizing marijuana. However, in 2021, Little signed leglislation that would permit the production and transportation of hemp products with up to 0.3% of THC. Source:

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