Ann Kirkpatrick

Creator:Leah Herman


Ann Kirkpatrick is an American politician. She currently serves as a U.S. Representative for Arizona’s 2nd congressional district.

Status and Position

Former US House of Representatives of Arizona

Political Party and Jurisdiction

Democrat, Arizona


Election Jurisdiction

Started Campaign

Campaign Status

Poll Rankings (of the vote)

2020 House of Representatives Election AZ-02 AZ-02 Yes Running N/A

Campaign Financing

She has raised almost $1.5 million for her campaign. Top contributors include EMILY's List and the University of Arizona.

Voting Rights

Kirkpatrick has not taken a stance on the expansion of voting rights.

Opinions on Issues




Universal Healthcare For She is in favor of universal health care.
Kirkpatrick supports a Medicare for All approach. She would like to protect and maintain the Affordable Care Act.
Socialized Healthcare For She supports socialized health care.
Private Healthcare Against She opposes the interests of private health care.
LGBT Rights For She supports LGBT rights.
Kirkpatrick has championed anti-discrimination legislation. She stands with the LGBT community.
Taxes For She is supportive of taxes.
Kirkpatrick is not in favor of tax cuts. She condemns President Trump's lowering of taxes.
Flat Tax Rate Unknown She has not taken a stance on this issue.
Kirkpatrick is not in favor of tax cuts. She condemns President Trump's lowering of taxes.
Abortion For She is pro-choice.
Kirkpatrick stands by women's right to reproductive freedom. She opposes assertions that the government has a right to dictate women's decisions regarding abortion.
Gun Control For She is in favor of gun control.
Kirkpatrick argues that meaningful gun control legislation is long overdue. She would like to put in more restrictions to address gun violence.
Assisted Suicide Unknown She has not taken a stance on this issue.
Kirkpatrick argues that meaningful gun control legislation is long overdue. She would like to put in more restrictions to address gun violence.
Government Interference For She is generally willing to tolerate government interference, except in the case of abortions.
Planned Parenthood For She supports Planned Parenthood.
Welfare For She is a proponent of welfare programs.
Kirkpatrick would like to expand funding to entitlement programs so that we keep our promises to the retired and other needy subsets of the population.
Welfare Unknown She has not taken a stance on this.
Death Penalty Unknown She has not taken a clear stance on capital punishment.
Mandatory Prison Sentence Unknown She does not yet have a clear position on mandatory minimum sentences.
Military Spending For She is a proponent of increased defense spending.
War on Terrorism Against She opposes the War on Terrorism.
Foreign Policy International Interaction For She is in favor of international interaction.
Kirkpatrick emphasizes the fact that Arizona's economy relies on trade with Mexico. She would like to empower trade.
United Nations power Unknown She does not have a stance on the United Nations.
Nationalism Unknown She has not taken a stance on nationalism.
Free Markets Against She opposes free markets.
Kirkpatrick is a proponent of increasing the government's role in the economy by increasing taxes and spending. She also is in favor of government mandates to employers.
Brexit Unknown She has not taken a stance on Brexit.
Affirmative Action Unknown She does not have a public position on affirmative action.
Government Spending For She supports government spending as a means of economic growth.
Charter Schools Unknown She does not have a known stance on charter schools.
Common Core Unknown She does not have a clear stance on Common Core.
Clean Energy For She supports clean energy.
Kirkpatrick would like to address climate change by transitioning towards sources of renewable energy. She points to the creation of Arizona's first wind farm as indicative of the innovation that she is hoping to continue in her state.
Religious Freedom Unknown She has not taken a stance on religious freedom.
Separation of Church and State For She supports the separation of church and state.
Slavery Reparations Unknown She has not taken a stance on slavery reparations.
Border Control Against She opposes increased border security.
Kirkpatrick argues against the construction of a physical wall on the Southern border. She has denounced President Trump's immigration policies.
Passenger Profiling Unknown She does not have a public statement on passenger profiling.
DACA For She is in favor of DACA.
Sanctuary Cities Unknown She has not taken a clear stance on sanctuary cities.
Legalizing Marijuana For She has generally supported legislation that empowers the growth of the marijuana industry.
Creator:Leah Herman

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