Ami Bera


Ami Bera is an American politician and physician. He currently serves as California’s 7th congressional district.

Status and Position

Current US House of Representatives of California

Political Party and Jurisdiction

Democrat, California


Election Jurisdiction

Started Campaign

Campaign Status

Poll Rankings (of the vote)

2020 House of Representatives Election CA-07 CA-07 Yes Running N/A

Campaign Financing

Bera has raised just over $1.4 million. His top contributors are the University of California and Democracy Engine.

Voting Rights

Bera is a strong proponent of voting rights. He supports both the Voting Rights Advancement Act and the Voter Empowerment Act, which make voting accessible to more people.

Opinions on Issues




Universal Healthcare For Bera supports universal healthcare.
He is part of the New Democrat Coalition that upholds the Affordable Care Act and urges for universal healthcare to move forward.
Socialized Healthcare Against He is opposed to a single-payer healthcare system.
Private Healthcare Against He is opposed to private insurance.
LGBT Rights For He supports LGBT rights.
Bera supports the Equality Act, which legally protects LGBT individuals from discrimination.
Taxes Against He supports tax reform for the middle class.
Bera supports lowering taxes for the middle class and opposes the Republican tax bill for its elimination of important deductions.
Flat Tax Rate Unknown He does not have an official stance on the flat tax rate.
Bera supports lowering taxes for the middle class and opposes the Republican tax bill for its elimination of important deductions.
Abortion For He is supportive of reproductive rights.
He is pro-choice.
Gun Control For He is supportive of tighter gun control.
He believes in stronger restriction on gun sales and required background checks for gun purchases.
Assisted Suicide Unknown He does not have a clear position on assisted suicide.
He believes in stronger restriction on gun sales and required background checks for gun purchases.
Government Interference Against He does not believe that the government should dictate reproductive rights.
Planned Parenthood For Bera supports Planned Parenthood and has received Planned Parenthood's Champions for Women's Health Award.
Welfare For He supports welfare programs.
Bera supports bills relating to the protection of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and affordable housing.
Welfare For He supports the funding of stem cell research.
Death Penalty Against He is opposed to the death penalty.
He supports the abolishment of capital punishment (Proposition 62).
Mandatory Prison Sentence Unknown He does not have a public position on mandatory prison sentencing.
Military Spending For He supports increasing the military budget to give higher wages to military service members.
War on Terrorism For Bera supports counterterrorism efforts through censoring terrorist propaganda and preventing terrorists from obtaining firearms.
Foreign Policy International Interaction For He is a supporter of international interaction and foreign policy.
Bera serves as a chairman in the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations under the Foreign Affairs Committee. He believes that international relations can strengthen national security.
United Nations power For Bera is supportive of maintaining the UN's Family Planning Program.
Nationalism Unknown He does not have a known stance on nationalism.
Free Markets For He is supportive of free markets.
He believes in a free market to aid the prosperity of the economy.
Brexit Unknown He does not have an official statement on Brexit.
Affirmative Action For He backs ACA 5, which supports affirmative action for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.
Government Spending Against He supports the No Budget, No pay legislation.
Charter Schools Unknown He does not have a clear stance on charter schools.
Common Core Unknown He does not have a public position on Common Core.
Clean Energy For He is supportive of clean energy initiatives.
Bera believes in moving away from dependence on fossil fuels and moving toward job creation in clean energy. He believes that investment in the clean energy will help combat climate change.
Religious Freedom For He is supportive of freedom of religious expression.
Bera advocates for Sikh's freedom to wear turbans in their military positions.
Separation of Church and State Unknown He does not have a clear position on the separation of church and state.
Slavery Reparations Unknown He does not have an official stance on slavery reparations.
Border Control Against He sees immigration as a humanitarian crisis rather than a political issue.
He believes in investing in immigration reform and that current border control victimizes children.
Passenger Profiling Unknown He does not have an explicit stance on passenger profiling.
DACA For He supports the protection of DACA.
Sanctuary Cities Against He is against the funding of sanctuary cities.
Legalizing Marijuana Nuance Bera supports the legalization of medical marijuana, but does not strongly support the use of recreational marijuana.

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